Posts Tagged ‘revenge’

Cracked by bmiles on

You gunned it through the crosswalk.
Sixteen hours on a ventilator so she could be spare parts for other parents’ kids.
Doubt you registered the impact; tracks didn’t swerve or slow down.
Outside your house, eyeing the gun that took her place in the car beside me, I imagine how long I’ll take.
They say there’s only two stories, one about love and one about revenge. I only read the Good Book and don’t worry I’ll see you in hell when I’m done.
What I’m going to do to you is biblical, and that makes me God.

Madness by Katy-Angel on

He wouldn’t control her any longer. She’d had enough.
Yes, she was beautiful and deadly, but that didn’t mean she was someone’s toy.
His head lolled to the side in a drunken stupor.
The hiss of the blade sliding from its sheath didn’t rouse him.
Her face fell until she spied the tumbler on the table.
With a crash she threw it to the floor. He jumped up with a curse.
“How dare you disturb me!” he said.
She cackled with abandon.
“I only wanted you on your feet.”
Her blade ran red with blood.
“I make the rules now.”